
Will Mother Nature Ever Stop Dishing Out Bad Weather?

We tried to fish a 6-hour afternoon trip, But Mother Nature reared her ugly head again. At just over half way through the trip the weather warnings came across the radio (Severe T-storms, Tornadoes, Hail, Gusting winds at speeds of up to 70 mph, and Lightening). Well, after the lightening started, and the static electricity began humming on the antennas, we decided getting to shore was priority #1.

Now for the fishing report:

We fished on the south end of the nets down by Manitowoc in 110 to 165 FOW. Most of our bites came on dodger and flies that were green on green. Oddly enough, we even managed a #12 Laker 30 feet down in 170 FOW.

We also fished for 3 hours in the AM, but only managed 3 kings. As bad as that sounds, there were reports of some people fishing for 6 hours and only being able to show one or two fish, while I know of at least one boat that came in with 14 fish this AM.

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